In 2010, our Members, Board and staff worked together through a dynamic, collaborative process to establish our organizational principles. Our process included 10 study sessions with 35 participants, through which we learned about social justice struggles in other parts of the nation and world, and reflected on the lessons learned and implications for our organization’s work. Through this process, we crafted a Statement of Principles which was approved by our Membership on January 28th, 2011.
T.R.U.S.T. South LA’s Principles guide our organizing strategies, our vision and our strategic planning process.

As an organization, we commit to:
- Educating and developing our consciousness, skills, and experience individually and collectively. We take responsibility to understand the context of the community, and our environment and together create a strategic plan.
- Developing a new generation of leadership through sharing tools, knowledge and creating opportunities for youth. Intentionally take a step back to allow for youth and young adults to step in and take ownership of their learning and participation.
- Working together to create a local economy and a community that has control over the use of the land.
- Taking responsibility to take care of the earth, minimize what we take from her, and help heal what has been harmed.
- Taking responsibility to delegate work in an ethical and responsible manner. Share knowledge and skills with others.
- Maintaining our minds and hearts open and have flexibility to adapt to changes. Be curious and experiment with new ideas.
- Maintaining credibility through transparent structures of communication and access to information such as: decision making processes, resources, funding, alliances, challenges, and successes.
- The inclusion of all people, regardless of gender race, class, sexual orientation, nation of origin, immigration status, physical ability, religious and spiritual beliefs, etc.
- Creating a structure in which we can make collective decisions.
For me, TRUST South LA is my second home.
- Ruth, Community Organizer