October 2021 Newsletter
Slow Streets in Historic South L.A. is now permanent!
With the partnership of T.R.U.S.T. South L.A. and LADWP, permanent bollards marking Slow street boundaries have been constructed. This creates safer places for people to walk, bike, and explore their streets for recreation and transportation. 
Our very own ERAP Manager Siris Barrios explained the ERAP application process during the Univision interview.  T.R.U.S.T. South L.A. has helped process over $500,000.00 in ERAP awards for South Central families.
Watch Here to learn more

T.R.U.S.T. South LA was invited to lead this month’s Advocacy Town Hall hosted by Everyone In! Matthew Vu, our Community Ownership Policy Advocate/Organizer, was able to introduce the community land trust (CLT) model of affordable housing stewardship to a wide, new group of LA housing advocates, and share about our ongoing efforts to decommodify housing along with our LA CLT Coalition siblings from our County CLT Pilot Program to our ongoing campaign to win TOPA4LA, our Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Act (TOPA).

If you missed it, you can catch the recording here and the slides here. To learn more about our campaigns or how to get involved, you can contact Matthew at matthew@trustsouthla.org.

Visit our website for more details.
Our CLT partner  CA CLT Network is looking for a Co-Director for Organizing and Partnership.

Click here to apply and for more details.

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