February 2022 Newsletter


We are excited to announce that TRUST South LA is partnering with Community Coalition, the LA Neighborhood Land Trust, and First 5 LA to bring the Link initiative to South LA.

Link is an exciting pilot program that is designed to create a model or template so that residents can more easily design and advocate for parks in their local communities. The program “links” residents with organizations that help facilitate the community engagement and park planning process who then help “link” residents to government officials who can help secure funding for the construction of these community-designed parks.

So far, Link has helped create or renew parks in El Monte, Panorama City, Cudahy, and Bell. Now, it’s our turn — Link is designing and pushing for a new park in First5LA’s Broadway/Manchester Best Start Community. But to make this successful, we need you! Please give us your input through this survey and join our very first Community Planning Meeting on Thursday, March 10 from 6-730pm.

Visit http://linktr.ee/LinkSLA2Parks for more information.

The South LA E-Bike Lending Library Survey thanks to funding from the California Air Resources Board (CARB) and the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (DOT), the Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator (LACI) will be launching an e-bike lending library program with at least 250 e-bikes in South LA next year. FREE rentals will be available to persons who qualify for LA Metro's LIFE Program, while others may pay a low and competitive fee.  
Please fill out this short survey so that we can collect responses from the public that will help us design the program by answering the survey questions and we want to reach our goal of 200 community respondents.

Survey in Englishhttps://www.surveymonkey.com/r/VTCT9G2 
Survey in Spanishhttps://www.surveymonkey.com/r/J7X3RFF 

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