April 2021 Newsletter
COME AND JOIN US for a Special Free Meal Distribution with Senator Kamlager on May 7, 2021!

Statement on Tuesday’s Verdict


Dear T.R.U.S.T. South LA Community, 

This Tuesday, Derek Chauvin was convicted for the murder of George Floyd. While the jury’s decision cannot change the fact that George Floyd’s life was unjustly taken from him—nor can it necessarily protect the Black and brown lives that continue to be at disproportionately higher risk for violent treatment by police—we acknowledge that this is a long awaited moment of relief for many.

T.R.U.S.T. South LA continues our work to ensure that neighborhoods in South LA are enriched, safe, well-resourced, and free from all forms of harassment by police. We invite you to join us in reimagining public safety—advocating that our public dollars are invested in community health, economic resources, and secure housing. We believe in a vibrant future for low-income, working-class communities of color in Los Angeles. Now is as important a time as ever to affirm that Black Lives Matter.

We are hiring for a temporary positions immediately. 
Click here to apply: 
Job Openings - T.R.U.S.T. South LA
Are you a tenant or a landlord of a residential dwelling in the City of Los Angeles? Have you been economically impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic? Help is here! Requirements apply! Go to hcidla.lacity.org to apply or learn more. Or call the ERAP hotline (833) 373-0587.
Eres un inquilino o propetario de viviendas en la Ciudad de Los Angeles? Has sido impactado economicamente por la pandemia del COVID-19? Hay ayuda! Se aplican requisites, para mas informacion o para aplicar visite: hcidla.lacity.org. O llame la linea de ayuda al (833) 373-0587 para llena su solicitud por telefono.
If you are an eligible renter at risk of eviction and owe back rent, California's COVID-19 Rent Relief program can help you pay for unpaid rent and utilities. To see if you qualify, visit HousingIsKey.com.
Si usted es un inquilino elegible, está en riesgo de desalojo y debe renta atrasada, el programa Ayuda Con La Renta de COVID-19 de California puede ayudarlea pagar la rentay los servicios públicos atrasados. Para ver si es elegible, visite HousingIsKey.com.
2021 Fueling Our Communities Program

Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas) launched the 2021 Fueling Our Communities Program to help feed individuals experiencing food insecurity. The utility is partnering with eight community organizations including T.R.U.S.T. South L.A. to assist 20 underserved communities throughout Los Angeles County. This year’s program will provide free meals, groceries, and restaurant gift cards to thousands of individuals. This program will also help stimulate local small businesses and is expected to last through the spring. https://bit.ly/3tbVXDj


COVID-19 Vaccine Location Map is Now LIVE for South LA Residents!  

The site pinpoints all of the locations in and around South L.A. offering vaccines and provides information for how to make appointments in English and Spanish. Click this link for more details: http://annenberginteractives.com/2020-2021/vaccine-sites-2021/

VACCINATION CLINIC AND RESOURCE FAIR on April 29, 2021 at 9:30am to 4:00pm

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