March 2021 Newsletter
Emergency Rent Assistance Program Launch
Get ready California, COVID-19 Rent Relief is here. CA COVID-19 Rent Relief can help with past due rent and utilities. To see if you qualify, visit now.

Prepárese, California. Ayuda Con La Renta de COVID-19 de California ya llegó. El programa puede ayudar con la renta atrasada y las facturas de los servicios públicos. Para verificar elegibilidad, visite ahora.

You are invited to our WaterTalks Workshop on March 27, 2021.  REGISTER NOW! to join.

California will be updating its water system soon. Learn more about the water system and share your opinion on water issues in South LA. You can register at the link below to receive the link for this workshop. We hope to see you on March 27th! 


California esta preparando para actualizar su sistema de agua. Obtenga más información sobre el sistema de agua y comparta su opinión sobre los problemas del agua en el sur de Los Ángeles. Puede registrarse en el enlace por abajo para recibir el enlace para este taller. ¡Esperamos verte el 27 de marzo!
Vaccine Myths and Misconceptions explained: Click watch now and learn more about Vaccines.
Watch Now
Our team member Josie Clerfond, (Coalitions and External Relations Manager) was interviewed by USC Annenberg Media about the announcement by Uber regarding the free rides that they are giving out to people commuting to vaccination sites.  Read the full article below.
City plans free and discounted Uber rides for South L.A. residents to USC vaccine site. 
The T.R.U.S.T South L.A. team took part in a two-day retreat focused on strategies for leadership development for the benefit of our members. 
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